Thursday, February 09, 2006

Send me an ODEO! Holy moley-odeo!

Seems interesting that the boys over at ODEO would name one of the product features after their company. Honestly I think if i was to goto a site with a button that said "send me an Odeo" i'm not sure i would click on it, what the hell is an ODEO?

I picked this up off of Ev Stones feed today:
The idea is this: You click on that button, and you land on a page where if you have a mic on your computer you can send me a voice message. I'll get the message in my Odeo inbox (and an alert in email). You don't need an Odeo account or anything (unless you want to put the button your page. Which you do.)

Of course i do Ev, this shit is cool! So I went to Odeo's site (after a little searching, you will find it under the manage menu under buttons) i was presented with many multiple button versions to pick from. Fat ones, skinny ones, tall ones, short ones and guess what? Some of them said "Send me an ODEO" and some of them said "Send me a VoiceMail". So perhaps this is a branding experiment. Nothing wrong with seeing what sticks with measurable results I always say. I opted for the one that said leave me a voicemail all magenta with the bird on it (peepit and clickon it, it's on the right). Noah Glass if you're reading this, hook me up with that shirt i hound you about everytime i see you. Brown / Pink Bird size Large, then go ahead and Send me an ODEO!


Blogger crazywanda said...

this is cool. ideally the user could opt in or out of a mobile option. "send my odeo voice mail to my 1) inbox 2) portable device" etc etc. and what about using it to send 30 second clips of music or even a podcast preview, maybe along with images depending on the device to which the msg is sent. hmmmm. this is clearly just the beginning. The 'send me a vm' icon should also be smaller, it's almost scary. it says "pink bird flu." But for a beta project, it's mighty fine. the digital hippie says "this is part of our communication revolution, imagine using this service for political action during the november elections, and all the doors it leads us to in terms of how to transfer bits of information." She goes on to say, "viva la revolucion."

2:37 PM  

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